
why advocacy?

Here's an article I wrote about advocacy for the GO newsletter! Check out the rest of the newsletter by
clicking -> here.

In case your'e not familiar with GO and what advocacy is; it's a chance to say that you recognize that child sponsorship is powerful and effective by helping to find sponsors for more children. You receive the profiles of 5 unsponsored kids and then do your best to help find them sponsors. The only cost to you is a little time and heart investment. And it's so worth it. 
Why advocacy?
I wish I had enough money to sponsor more than 2 kids. Like, 10 of them. Ok, let’s be real here, I wish I had enough money to sponsor them all. But I don’t and I can’t and that’s what lead me to becoming an advocate.
ad·vo·cate noun : a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.
I’m an advocate because I care. I want these kids to have sponsors. I want these kids to know they are loved and cared for. I want them to be empowered to exit the cycle of poverty.
I realize that I can’t sponsor all of the children on my own and I wouldn’t want to, because then other people wouldn’t have the chance to experience sponsorship. Ask anyone who has sponsored a child and really put their heart into it; it will change your heart, and with that, your life.
So, when I became an advocate, I received the profiles of 5 adorable children and thought now what? How do I convince people that these kids are worth it? I wasn’t sure, so I started praying.
Lord, help me to show people how much you love these kids. Help me find sponsors who will be dedicated to loving and praying for your children. 
I started carrying one child profile with me and praying for that child until I found their sponsor. One day as I was driving, I began praying for 10 year old Jimena. I asked God to bless Jimena wherever she was that day and that He would help me to find her a sponsor that would love her well. As I was driving and praying I heard my phone receive a text message. When I parked my car, I checked my phone and saw I had a text message from my friend Allison. It said “We want to sponsor a child :)". A few months prior to that text I had talked with Allison and her husband Brand about the kids I had met in Mazatlan and told them about sponsorship. After thinking and praying about it, they decided they were ready to take that step! I knew it wasn’t any coincidence that it happened to be right while I was praying for Jimena.
Allison and Brand have been sponsoring Jimena for a year now. Allison says “When I first saw a picture of this little girl in another country my heart immediately loved her. I don’t know her. I’ve never met her but I instantly felt connected because God had brought her into our life for a reason and I knew we made the right choice to follow his call. Sponsoring Jimena is a joy! She seems like such a smart girl who has so much potential but the very fact that she was born into poverty puts her at such a disadvantage. If $35 a month can help her overcome that disadvantage just a little bit then I think she can do great things for this world and for the Lord. We love praying for her and looking at her picture holding up her new school shoes that our money helped buy. But more importantly, we are answering the call that God has sent out to take care of the children in this world. Sponsoring is the easiest way to do it and it makes a difference. I recommend it because if you are looking for a way to be part of a great mission then this is the easiest way to do it. I hope that I can meet our “first kid” someday. I don’t think she realizes how much she has blessed our life by allowing us to be a part of it some way.”
I’ve had the chance to meet Jimena and take her letters and gifts from Brand and Allison. It means so much to Jimena and her family. Jimena’s mom said that it brings them so much joy and encouragement to know that they have others in the family of Christ supporting and praying for them regularly.  What a blessing it’s been to see God’s hand in bringing these two families together!
I’ll continue advocating for these children because I want to care for what God cares for. I love being a part of bringing these international families together and seeing the power of Christ centered love transform lives.

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