
my girls - animal collective

Animal Collective "My Girls" from Chad von Nau on Vimeo.

i've been listening to this song a lot lately. the video is pretty cool too.

do you ever feel like there's something that you just have to do?
whatever it is inside you that makes you tick. that makes you...you.
God gives us all these gifts and talents. things that make us unique and things we were born to do.
what are you supposed to do in the interim? in the times where you just don't get to do those things...

anyways, on another note...
i'm reading this book called building social business by muhammad yunus.
its got some really good ideas on restructuring some economic theory to create businesses that work towards solving a social problem rather than maximizing profit. the beginning is sort of repetitive but now that i'm further into it, it's pretty interesting.


1 comment:

abbs89 said...

sweet friend! i love reading your words and your heart. we must talk before you leave! xoxo